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New Website design - submited by: BiPolar on 24 Jun 2003.
From the Lovely-HTML department...
BiPolar, in an attemp to show to the world his skills, has came out with this (nice?) new website design.
He said that this layout will allow us to mantain the site more up-to-date (however, we don't believe a word).
Hopefully his scripting skills are better than his knowdledge of HTML.
(or at least not worse than his english).
Ye Olde News - submited by: Baldur on Somewhere in the past.
From the do-you-remember? department...
Just to keep track of the old news, we include them here.
- 2/4/2003 : Great new ! Brend from YellowTab has successfully compiled BePascal under Zeta. And BePascal will be distributed with the deluxe edition.
- 31/3/2003 : A new screenshot of Menu made by oco .screenshoot
- 23/3/2003 : A new screenshot of a TestApp made by BiPolar .screenshoot
- 4/3/2003 : TListItem, TStringItem, TListView and TOutlineListView are working.
- 24/2/2003 : A new unit to acces sqlite SQL engine: download
- 15/2/2003 : A new Pascal highlight for Pe Editor made by BiPolar (works better): download
- 1/2/2003 : We have add lots of classe, you can see here the first pascal editor write in BePascal : screenshoot
- 23/1/2003 : We modify the compilator fpc to allow works under Dano. calculator under Dano screenshoot
- 22/1/2003 : RadioBox works correcly
- 21/1/2003 : BiPolar has join us to help the development : Welcome Bipolar
- 17/1/2003 : This is the first little application : a calculator screenshoot
- 15/1/2003 : CheckBox works correctly screenshoot
- 14/1/2003 : screenshoot and his source code in Pascal.
- 14/1/2003 : TextControl works correctly
- 14/1/2003 : StringView works correctly
- 13/1/2003 : Beginning of Menu Objects
- 13/1/2003 : First screenshoot and his source code in Pascal.
- 12/1/2003 : Button works correctly
- 11/1/2003 : FreePascal Team help us to port the compiler version 1.1 for BeOS.
- 10/12/2002 : We have developed a add-on for Pe editor for Pascal highlight.