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BePascal Documentation
There's no best start point than knowing the programming language itself.
In this page you'll find links to the best references we found.
The Pascal Language
Pascal, hmm? Which of them?

Yup! There are several Pascal languages out there (note that I'm not talking about specific compiler implementations).

If you want to know the differences between them, and a little about their history, read the Pascal Standards FAQ written by John Reagan (from DEC/Compaq Pascal). The document dates from 1995, but most (if not all) the information there is still valid.

So, you don't want to read? Ok. I will mention them: Pascal, Extended Pascal and Object Pascal.

If you read the above document, it cames clear that you can't go wrong choosing Object Pascal, as it takes the best of the other ones, and adds more, of course.

Now that you choose your language...

Pascal language. In order of complexity/completeness:

    In English please..
  • Marco Cantù's Essential Pascal (a free e-Book from the author of "Mastering Delphi") may probe handy. Just avoid all the Win32/VCL stuff, the rest is simple Pascal.
    That's not enough.
    What could be better than a Language Reference? Choose from below:
  • Borland's "Object Pascal Language Referece" in PDF format, or its online version.
  • The "Reference guide for Free Pascal" is available online here (and its distributed in the FPC packages). You may preffer it's PDF format.
    I want more!!!
  • Totally addicted to ObjectPascal? Or you thought you knew it all about it?
    Think twice, or get high, and read the lovely: Object-Oriented Extensions to Pascal. (DRAFT technical report produced by the Technical Committee X3J9, Programming Language Pascal)

Still not convinced of using Pascal?

Boy, you have a problem :-). Maybe this link will do the trick. Enjoy.
For a more serious (but not in-depth) comparison of Pascal goodness to that other language, read this.

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5 Nov 2003